Functional Skills qualification in English at Entry Level 2

Last Updated : 14-01-2025
0 Enrolled

Qualification Type & Title:

  • Qualification Type: Functional skills
  • Qualification Title: Functional Skills qualification in English at Entry Level 2


Accreditation status:

  • Accredited

Qualification number: 500/9086/0

Eligible for funding in England for:

  • Pre-16, 16-18, 19+


  • Available in England only

Guided Learning Hours:

  • 45 Hours


  • Exam & Course fee : £300.00


(These qualifications are internally assessed by the centre staff (i.e. teachers, tutors, trainers, support workers, carers, assessors) and externally moderated by OCR.  Assessments are set by OCR.)

 What are Functional Skills?

Functional Skills are practical skills in English, Maths and I.C.T that help learners gain the most out of work, education and everyday life. They have been introduced to address government and employers’ concerns over current standards in basic literacy and numeracy for learners of all ages. Functional Skills are a constituent of all 14–19 learning programmes. These qualifications are also for adults, whether they are in work, in training or preparing for work. They are not just about acquiring the basic skills of reading, writing, arithmetic and using a computer, but are an essential stepping stone towards the higher goal of functionality and as part of the Apprenticeship. They can also be used as a foundation for GCSEs. Entry Level English, Maths and I.C.T and Levels 1 and 2 English Speaking, Listening and Communication (SLC) are internally assessed and OCR-moderated qualifications which can be taken at any time during the year. Levels 1 and 2 English Reading and Writing, Maths and I.C.T are externally assessed by OCR set and marked tests that can be taken at any time during the year. Following your feedback, we now offer both on-screen and paper-based tests for each qualification.

Qualification aims:  

OCR Functional Skills qualifications in English at Entry level aim to

  • Provide accreditation of achievements of a range of English skills in real-life settings so that learners can use English skills in a functional way throughout life
  • Provide a flexible assessment structure that can be adapted to meet the needs of individual learners
  • Provide a progression route through to achievement at higher levels.


Assessment and moderation (Internal assessment):

These qualifications are designed around the principle that learners will build evidence towards the achievement of a level within a prescribed period of time under Controlled Assessment conditions.  Once all skills standards have been met, for the level, the evidence is then submitted to OCR for external moderation.

In order for learners to be able to effectively progress towards meeting the requirements of each skill standard, teachers must make sure that the coverage and range requirements for each standard are fully addressed.  The identified coverage and range are not exhaustive and may be expanded upon or tailored to particular contexts to which the qualification is being taught and the skills standards applied.

We recommend that teaching and development of subject content and associated skills be referenced to real-life situations, through the utilisation, for example, of appropriate work-based contact and vocationally-experienced delivery personnel.

Assessment of these qualifications will be conducted in accordance with the controlled assessment regulations for Functional Skills.


Internal Assessment of Speaking, Listening and Communication components

Component Assessment availability Assessment details Duration
Speaking, Listening and Communication Available throughout the year. Set by OCR. Centre assessed. Externally moderated by OCR


1 simple one-to-one discussion about familiar topics conducted under controlled assessment conditions

1 simple group discussion/exchange about familiar topics conducted under controlled assessment conditions.

20 minutes
Reading Available throughout the year Set by OCR. Centre assessed. Externally moderated by OCR.


The assessment is a combination of open and closed response questions, set in a generic and realistic context. There are two tasks to complete for this component. The relevant coverage and range is fully covered in this component.


A spell/grammar check facility or dictionary is allowed in the reading component. Learners may word process their answers.



Writing Available throughout the year. Set by OCR. Centre assessed. Externally moderated by OCR.

The assessment is a combination of open and closed response questions, set in a generic and realistic context. There are two tasks to complete for this component.


The relevant coverage and range is fully covered in this component. A spell/grammar check facility or dictionary is allowed in the writing component. Learners may word process their answers. A dictionary is allowed.



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